
Friday, March 22, 2013

Sleepless Nights and Flower Afghans

Since I can’t seem to fall asleep tonight, I’ve decided to use my time wisely and write my very first entry for this blog. I find that my mind is running wild tonight--wild with ideas and patterns, crocheted crocuses and tiger lilies, a veritable garden of crochet all waiting to find their way out. I see afghans that have patiently lain dormant in my imagination, hoping that one day I would find it in me to make them. I haven’t had a sleepless night like this in some time now and I find it fascinating that here, at the very beginning of spring, these ideas are brought to the surface of my imagination reminding me of all I have waiting in store. It’s interesting to me that Lori and I would choose now of all times to begin a blog that will bring many new and hopefully wonderful experiences into our lives. I don’t think we could have picked a better time to start up.

A few years back, my sister bought crocus bulbs and went crazy planting them everywhere throughout the flower beds and the yard, everywhere she could find room. Her favorite flowers are spring flowers, and crocuses are high on her list. Every year since, I’m amazed as spring rolls along and the crocuses come up in the most welcome yet unexpected of places. Although I don’t really have a favorite season of the year, spring is definitely a wonderful time!
Flowers begin to bloom and the world seems to wake up as life begins all over again. This year as the crocuses are blooming outside, I find myself picturing how easy it would be to crochet them. For probably a couple weeks now, I’ve been toying with the idea of making an afghan of nothing but flowers connected together. I picture flowers of all shapes and sizes and colors, arranged in such a way that they look like they belong together. Now, a new idea is starting to take shape. I want to make an afghan of flowers as I see them blooming.
Starting with crocuses obviously—the heralds of spring—and then maybe daffodils and irises, lilacs and forsythia; whatever order the flowers bloom, that will be my next flower. I don’t know yet if I’m picturing diagonal rows starting in the top corner and working my way down or how I plan on arranging it, but I definitely plan on making this project. But now, to sleep…
Sincerely, Stephen  

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