

Hi, this is Stephen, and welcome!

I grew up surrounded by crochet, remnants of my family's past and specifically of my Grandma. My Grandma died within a year of me being born, and yet through her crochet she helped to shape my life in many real and profound ways. As a child I remember looking at her afghans and doilies she had left behind her as a legacy, and thinking I would never be able to do things like that--but oh, how I wished I could! In so many ways I let fear hold me back, persuading myself that I couldn't and that it was useless to try. It wasn't until my first year of college that I asked my sister-in-law to teach me.

She is one of the most talented crocheters I have ever known, and elated to have the chance, I seized this opportunity to learn with everything I had to give. I'd grown tired of convincing myself that I couldn't do it, and I wanted to finally try it for myself and find out. She very skeptically began to teach me, and very quickly and easily I began to pick up on what had seemed so impossible to me before. It was almost like I'd always known, like I was simply remembering how to do something as opposed to learning something new. Even now I have a hard time believing I haven't always done this. Gradually this world of loops and yarns, stitches and hooks all came alive for me and instantly it became second nature. I soaked it all up like a sponge! By the end of that summer I knew all I needed to know to keep going with crochet. Like a snowball rolling downhill, I kept learning and collecting ideas and concepts that would help me learn how to create patterns and carry on the family tradition.

Ever since, I've been crocheting. knitting, and doing various other hobbies with yarn that I've picked up along the way. Together, my friend Lori and I have come up with the idea of this blog as a way to express our creativity and to help others who are looking for help, easy instructions, and project ideas. It's exciting to be doing this, and  I hope you will find lots of helpful advice and information on this site.

Stephen (Captain Hook)

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